JUST PRODUCTION。提供一站式之平面廣告製作。包括大型展板, 商場應節布置、 嘉年華會佈置, 宴會佈置, 展覽佈置, 攤位佈置, 晚會場地佈置,各類背景板製作,包括記招、週年晚會、新聞發佈、講座,橫額、海報、燈箱、車身廣告、攤位、 專營各類商場,商店廚窗之節日佈置、 背景板、展覽會、立体發泡膠字 ...large-scale unfolds the board three-dimensionally, banner, the ballroom decorationl , event decoration, glass decoration, venue decoration, window decoration,conference room decoration, the lamp box, vehicle advertisement, the stall, the display window, the background board, the exposition, sends foam rubber character and so on...